The new series tells the story of four best friends chasing their dreams while juggling demanding jobs, romantic dilemmas and wild nights in the fashion industry. Previously having produced the story of youths through┬ĀAt a Distance, Spring Is Green, the creator revealed why he decided to create the show. He started off by saying, ŌĆ£I felt the script had something very refreshing, and it was totally different from other existing romantic comedy stories,ŌĆØ explaining how he got fascinated by the new psychology of characters and its storyline. Chae Soo Bin shared, ŌĆ£I liked how the story described the work, love and friendship of people in the fashion industry in an enjoyable and not too serious way.ŌĆØ SHINEEŌĆÖs Minho also explained, ŌĆ£I fell in love with the characters as soon as I read the script. The story takes place in the fashion industry and offers an interesting look into the field in which IŌĆÖm currently working.ŌĆØ Lee Sang Woon remarked, ŌĆ£While reading the script in character, the fashion show scene struck me so hard, and I cannot wait to see the final edited version.ŌĆØ Model-turned-actress Park Hee Jung also said, ŌĆ£I felt that Seon Ho and I have a lot in common. I read the script of the first four episodes in one sitting, and IŌĆÖm so very curious about how things will pan out in the remaining episodes.ŌĆØ The Fabulous┬Āwill premiere on November 4th. Source : Netflix

Minho  Chae Soo Bin and More on Why They Joined the Cast of  The Fabulous  - 34