On the morning of the 22nd, the production team of 2 Days & 1 Night announced in an official statement, ŌĆ£Ravi will be departing from the program to fulfill his duty as a South Korean male citizen.ŌĆØ They further wrote, ŌĆ£We will be bidding him adieu for the time being after the filming of ŌĆśWish Me luckŌĆÖ trip slated to air next week,ŌĆØ and added, ŌĆ£We ask for your best wishes and blessings for RaviŌĆÖs future endeavors.ŌĆØ As for his replacement, the team did not give out much information and said, ŌĆ£We will make sure to deliver good news as soon as we come to a conclusion.ŌĆØ Source (1)


Ravi Leaves the Cast of  2 Days   1 Night  - 81