STAYC, who made their debut in the K-pop scene on November 12, received the spotlight from the start as a girl group produced by hitmaker duo Black Eyed Pilseung. However, the music video for their debut song ŌĆ£So BadŌĆØ had come under fire when it was accused of plagiarizing the music video for Miley CyrusŌĆÖs ŌĆ£Midnight Sky.ŌĆØ Legend Film, the music video production company, apologized over alleged plagiarism, saying, ŌĆ£WeŌĆÖre ashamed and feel miserable as we were in charge of supervising the music video and took part in everything including planning, production and art.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£We have no intention of rationalizing the scene with a misleading word ŌĆ£hommage.ŌĆØ But we would live to stress that we had no intention of plagiarizing as the scene was produced after directors decided to use the props (mirror ball, confetti, silver-toned background, trees etc.) from the planning stage,ŌĆØ they wrote. ŌĆ£The various props listed above were frequently used in various ways in the music video produced by Legend Film,ŌĆØ the production company continued, ŌĆ£However, we recognize and acknowledge that the resulting scene could spark up a controversy.ŌĆØ They finished, ŌĆ£We personally delivered our apologies to Highup Entertainment, STAYC and staff. We would like to apologize to fans and to the public for conducting our job without thorough prior investigation.ŌĆØ

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STAYC s  So Bad  MV Production Company Apologizes After Being Accused of Plagiarizing Miley Cyrus s  Midnight Sky  MV - 79