Story of You and the Rain is a nostalgic movie that starts with a letter that arrived by chance. The story revolves around Young Ho and So Hee, who became someone special in each otherŌĆÖs life. Their sentimental story will start with one sentence ŌĆ£LetŌĆÖs meet on a rainy December 31st.ŌĆØ The first trailer released today begins as Young Ho urgently cries out for the mailman. Young Ho lives a dull life without a clear dream or goal. But one day, he recalls his childhood friend So Yeon and impulsively sends a letter to her. But the letter reaches So Hee, So YeonŌĆÖs younger sister. On behalf of her sick sister, So Hee replied to Young Ho. And just like that, vivid colors permeate their monotonous lives.

On top of Young Ho and So HeeŌĆÖs heart-fluttering relationship, the trailer comes across the viewersŌĆÖ minds with its retro vibe. We now have grown so familiar with short text messages. But the two youth in the clip enjoy the beauty of waiting though things may flow more slowly. Kang Ha Neul and Chun Woo Hee have won the audienceŌĆÖs trust with their impressive performances. And this time, they will once again wow us with their flawless portrayal of imperfect yet brilliant youth. Story of You and the Rain will be released on April 28th. ┬Ā Source (1)