Recently, the fact that WJSNŌĆÖs Cheng Xiao, Mei Qi and Xuan Yi deleted WJSN from their Weibo profiles started to draw keen attention online. Previously, they introduced themselves as WJSN members on their profiles, but now they are only presented as YUE HUA Entertainment artists. Some K-netizens started to speculate that this signals the end of their promotions in Korea. In fact, the three have virtually stopped their activities in Korea since 2018. Mei Qi and Xuan Yi made their debut as Rocket Girls 101 through Produce 101 China, a spinoff from the MnetŌĆÖs Produce 101. Cheng Xiao has been solely focusing on her promotions in China. In Korea, they only briefly showed their faces in fan meetings. In particular, the three celebrated the 70th anniversary of ChinaŌĆÖs military involvement in the Korean War, generating negative responses. (In China, the Korean War is described as a war they participated in order to fight against the United States and help Joseon (North Korea then).) It is not the first time that Chinese members, who made their debut as K-pop groups, have left the team after gaining popularity and recognition. SM Entertainment had a rough time when EXOŌĆÖs three Chinese members, Kris, Luhan and Tao, left the group out of the blue. Woollim Entertainment also had to engage in a legal battle when Tasty, a K-pop duo composed of Chinese twins, halted their promotions in Korea without consultation. Source (1)

Three Chinese WJSN Members Erasing Traces of WJSN on Social Media  - 63Three Chinese WJSN Members Erasing Traces of WJSN on Social Media  - 86