Set in a small town in 1999, Hometown is a mystery thriller series that follows detective Choi Hyung In, who is investigating a serial murder case, and Jo Jung Hyun, who is searching for her kidnapped niece. The two of them eventually face off the worst terrorist in history. The previously released ŌĆ£legacyŌĆØ teaser raised curiosity by introducing the current serial murder case and the gas terror incident from the past. And today, the ŌĆ£nightmareŌĆØ teaser was unveiled. The ŌĆ£nightmareŌĆØ teaser begins with Yoo Jae Myung and Han Yeri suffering from nightmares. But the two of them are seen having the same nightmare, drawing attention. Soon, images of a city, a woman, and a man walking down a gas-filled street are shown one after another. Plus, sorcery is being practiced inside a room filled with mixtapes and numerous photos, doubling the mystery. In particular, all of these clips are shown upside down, sending a chill down our spines. Near the end of the teaser, a black hand of a woman chokes Han YeriŌĆÖs neck, amplifying the horror. This symbolizes that a mysterious incident that shakes her entire life has occurred. Eventually, Yoo Jae Myung and Han Yeri wake up from their nightmares at the same time. How are they connected to the mysterious case that turned their lives upside down? Why are they having the same nightmare? Meanwhile, Hometown will premiere on September 22nd at 10:30 PM KST.

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tvN   s New Mystery Thriller    Hometown    Drops a Bone Chilling teaser - 7tvN   s New Mystery Thriller    Hometown    Drops a Bone Chilling teaser - 29