Eunhee, played by Kim Seo Hyung, returns to her alma mater as a vice principal after having forgotten her recollections of the past. Soon after, she encounters a troublemaking student Hayoung, played by Kim Hyun Soo, who leads her to a long-hidden location in the school. And in the process, she discovers alarming realities about her high school years that she had long forgotten. Kim Seo Hyung and The Penthouse Āstar Kim Hyun Soo will appear as students and teachers in a thrilling new reboot.

In the newly released poster, Kim Seo Hyung is partially hidden in darkness with a terrified expression as she witnesses something fearful. Behind her, Kim Hyun Soo has an unreadable expression in her eyes as she sees the same, adding to the posterŌĆÖs eerie and tense mood. In the meantime, the terrifying message in red font says, ŌĆ£Why did you come so late?ŌĆØ And the phrase on the poster adds, ŌĆ£The place that must have been hell for someone.ŌĆØ Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming will be released in Korean theaters in June. ┬Ā Source: kth, CJ CGV

 Whispering Corridors 6  The Humming  Drops a Haunting Main Poster   Trailer - 41